A little About US
In picture above, Ron & Marji Illingworth, Elizabeth, Chris, Mari Ana, Danielle, and Mathijs Beks
Welcome to our family farm. We’re located in North Pole, Alaska, and have been growing peonies here since 2004, almost 20 years.
Back in 1997, Ron and Marji Illingworth moved from their home in North Pole, to a brand new farm property on the outskirts of the town. They were looking towards retirement from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and wanted to spent their retirement doing what they loved to do in their spare time: growing plants! They initially started with a vegetables and u-pick berries operation, selling at the local farmers market, and having people out to the farm.
In 2003, one of their friends at the university, Dr. Patricia Holloway, invited them to come see the results of her research she had done on growing peonies in Alaska. As a result, Ron & Marji started growing peonies at their farm along side the vegetables and berries.
Growing peonies turned out to be a success, and in 2008 the farm turned their focus on peonies. Their daughter Elizabeth and son-in-law Chris joined, and their three kids. Over several years, the farm expanded to 12 acres of peonies, with different colors and varieties.
This is a 3-generation farm, with grandparents, parents, and (grand)kids, all working together in one place, focussed on sustainably growing peonies for years to come.